VR Nagpur recently celebrated Diwali in grand style, illuminating the festive season with exquisite decor, vibrant traditional rangoli designs, and an exciting “Spin the Wheel” activity. The special Diwali-themed activity was crafted to enrich the shopping experience, bringing more customers to VR Nagpur and adding an extra layer of excitement to their celebrations.
As part of the event, shoppers had the opportunity to spin the wheel and win exclusive gift vouchers from a variety of well-known brands. The activity worked as follows:
Spin the Wheel: Customers shopping at VR Nagpur took turns spinning the wheel. Brand Spot: The wheel would stop at a designated brand’s spot.
Voucher Reward: Lucky participants received a gift voucher from the brand where the wheel stopped, adding an extra element of thrill and reward to their shopping journey. In addition, special vouchers were offered to customers who made purchases of ?10,000 or more on a single bill, available at the help desk. This exciting initiative not only delighted shoppers but also provided an invaluable opportunity for brands to connect directly with customers, boosting brand visibility and engagement throughout the festive season.
VR Nagpur extends its heartfelt thanks to all participating brands for contributing unconditional gift vouchers valued at a minimum of ?1000. The enthusiastic response from customers and brands alike made this Diwali celebration truly memorable.
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